Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Week 3: Parsonage Improvement Project

Greetings!  Sorry I didn't get an update out for Week 2.  The crews continue to do great work on the Parsonage!  It's a little dustier than it was, but new additions are going in every day. 

✅Install New Energy Efficient Windows
✅Install New Kitchen Sink Window
✅Lay Down New Subfloor

✅Prepare brick fireplace wall to cover with drywall
✅Upgrade Master Circuit-Breaker Electrical Panel
✅Install Plumbing for new fixtures in bathroom, kitchen, mud room
✅Install Wiring, switches, receptacles, and housings for new light configurations
✅Install new bathtub
✅Prep ductwork - make adjustments for new cabinets
✅Empty first dumpster load

Continued thanks to the Parsonage Committee for overseeing the work and answering the many little questions that come up from time to time. 

Here are some pictures:

Old windows come out for new ones to go in.  This should help us care for the planet and save some money on heating bills!

Rub a dub dub . . . we have a new tub. . . 

The ceiling doesn't look like it used to . . .

Best attempt at dust-proofing.

Laundry with a view - temporarily.

Our attempt at one of those online hidden object games.  Or a new radical multipurpose room.  The carport is now a 1) marina, 2) bathroom, 3) barbecue, 4) dishwasher, 4) kitchen, 5) washroom, 6) lumberyard, 7) clothes rack, 8) entertainment center

The mudroom begins to take shape

The new kitchen sink window

Friday, January 10, 2020

Week 1: Parsonage Improvement Project

Greetings!  At our Council meeting this week, it was reported that at least 25% of the funds for this project have been given already.  We have loans secured for the entire value of the project, but the less we have to borrow, the better!

Wanted to post some pictures of the parsonage improvement project, week 1.  Brad Wesley's crew is doing a great job!  We moved the water heater from inside the pantry to a gas water heater located in a small hut near the outside gas pack a couple weeks ago.  The theme of this week has been demolition.  

✅Receive dumpster and port-a-John
✅Move out of spaces to be remodeled
✅Set up kitchenette in Dining room

✅Remove kitchen appliances and cabinets.
✅Remove vinyl flooring and plywood subfloor
✅Remove washer/dryer and laundry flooring
✅Remove hall bathroom fixtures, tile walls (including breaking tub in half!!)
✅Remove bathroom closets and widen bathroom entryway so that future families and guests will have better accessibility for people who may have mobility limitations
✅Widen kitchen sink window
✅Remove brick hearth and wooden mantle and ceiling fans

Today or Monday - replace front single pane windows with energy efficient windows

Everything’s been moving along swiftly!  I am still living here - I’m not cooking any gourmet meals but the front of the house and all other bed and bathrooms continue to be accessible.